Monday the 28th of december 2015 we hit castle point with a big wave of excitment we made it to the house and we were getting out like like there was a lion just about to eat us it was so fast then when we got out we opened the boot and we got all of our stuff and we went to our room Huntah and i was in carravan and i was in the tent atached to the carrvan i was on a sceher and huntah was on bed when we put all of our stuff in there we went up the stairs and we put our food up there.but finally we got all of our stuff sorted we got out togs on and we went for a swim caleb huntah jacob lucas all went in a group then the rest was folling be hind us when we got down there we had to look for all the rips and see were it was safe to swim we found a spot and it was next to a dead fallin over tree so we put our stuff on the and we we and dived into the water with a big wave of excitment and then caleb huntah jacob sarah boinne le-arna and i and all of the rest stayed back in the shallow some of us went on the boge boards it was sick.but it scukewd when i wasnt looking and i got pushed over by a mavive wave and i couldent get back up but lucky i was next to sarah and she saw me a picked me up.i was so happy she was there so then after that i just stayed with her the hole time then with a big long hard swim we went home and we got dreesed and then we just played at home untill dinner has cooked.