Thursday, June 20, 2013

Apiti's got talent

Right now we are getting for Apiti's got talent. My partner is Alex and we are doing "Party rock." It is a jump jam song. We are wearing a sparkly hat a dollar chain, black skinny jeans and a white tee shirt. We are quite good with our timing but our hats keep falling off so we need to make them stay on.      

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

walnut picking

On Tuesday, my group went up to the Pratt's house and we got some walnuts.  Mr Pratt got 30 into the bucket in one throw and Hannah got 29 walnut's and Brooke got ten and I got ten as well. There were lots and lots of walnuts.We had to move lots of leaves and sheep poo! We were eating nuts because we were getting nuts and they were yum. The nuts were not hard to crack at all for me. I like eating them and I like eating them with golden syrup.